- Learning scientifically proven tools and strategies for healing your fearful avoidant attachment style in as little as 1 week so you can get exactly what you want out of your relationships.
- Understanding exactly where your betrayal wounds come from, so you can let go of your fear of trust and welcome love with an open heart.
- Learning what your specific relationship needs are, so you can easily identify the types of romantic partners that are the best match for you, and avoid the ones that make you anxious.
- Advancing your communication skills, so you can always get what you need from others in the moment, be it your space, or more attention.
- Cultivating more self-love, so that you can start speaking to yourself more kindly and start setting healthy boundaries.
- Correcting beliefs like “I’m unworthy” and “something is wrong with me”, so you can stop doubting your worth.
- Learning healthy coping strategies you can use daily to feel calm, safe, and at ease rather than anxious and on high-alert.