Healthy and Secure Relationships with/for the Emotionally Unavailable Person (Dismissive Avoidant Re-programming Course)

Join 20,000 students who have successfully learned to build relationships that give them their freedom in this simple, highly-rated course you can complete in less than 1 week

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4h 44m

This course contains 4 hours and 44 minutes of video content, webinars and quizzes.

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Designed to be valuable whether you're a beginner or a pro.

Does this sound familiar to you?

Do you think about your exit strategy as soon as commitment comes up in conversations? Do you crave closeness and connection, only to think life would be easier on your own? Do you know you have a lot to offer in a relationship, yet you keep attracting partners that leave you feeling unfulfilled?

Does it ever feel like you:

  • Avoid conflict and tough conversations at all costs – and see your relationships suffer as a result? 
  • Prefer to keep things surface level as not to get hurt, even though it makes you feel lonely?
  • Run away from the closeness you desire, because it’s better to leave before your partner can leave you?
  • Keep attracting partners that are overly criticizing or misunderstand you, making you think you’re just not cut out for relationships?
  • Have the underlying feeling that your partner can leave at any moment?
  • Isolate yourself and need a lot of alone time, yet feel the emptiness from rejecting real connection?

There’s no need to blame yourself! You just haven’t been taught how to feel safe in your relationships, express your needs without fear, and be vulnerable with others.

In this course, you can look forward to...

  • Understanding where your fear of opening up and being vulnerable comes from, so that you can experience true connection in intimate relationships.
  • Finding a grounded place of safety within yourself to return to when you feel you aren’t good enough or incapable.
  • Exploring deeper levels of communication and vulnerability slowly and in a way that feels good to you.
  • Developing more self-love and learning to be present with your feelings so that you can experience more peace and harmony on the daily.
  • Shifting limiting beliefs like “it is not safe to be vulnerable” into empowering thought patterns so that you can enjoy more authentic and passionate relationships. 
  • Learning daily tools, tips and hacks to apply when you get triggered, to feel more secure in yourself.

Here's A Sneak Peek Into What We'll Cover


    1. Welcome Video

    2. Download Your Course Materials

    1. Root Causes of Dismissive Avoidance & How to Recognize this Attachment Style

    2. Dismissive Avoidant's Core Subconscious Wounds & Emotional Triggers

    1. Re-Programming Dismissive Avoidant's Core Subconscious Wounds

    2. The Dismissive Avoidant's Childhood Struggle

    3. Workbook Exercise 1: BTEA Equation

    4. Intensive Subconscious Reprogramming Tools

    5. Workbook Exercise 2: Thought Upgrading & Emotional Processing

    6. Workbook Exercise 3: Belief Reprogramming Rituals with Autosuggestion

    7. Workbook Exercise 4: Action Reprogramming Exercise

    1. Communicating Effectively With a Dismissive Avoidant

    1. The Dismissive Avoidant's Needs

    2. Interactions Between The Dismissive Avoidant & Other Attachment Styles

    3. Workbook Exercise 5: Dismissive Avoidant Best Practices & Interactions

    4. Workbook Exercise 6: Dismissive Avoidant Best Practices #2

    5. Workbook Exercise 7: Dismissive Avoidant Best Practices #3

    6. Workbook Exercise 8: Dismissive Avoidant Best Practices #3 - Exposure-Response Work on Vulnerability

    7. Workbook Exercise 9: Tertiary Needs Exercise

    1. Resolving Conflict With a Dismissive Avoidant

    2. Workbook Exercise 10 & 11: Conflict Communication & Expression

    3. Final Quiz

    4. Course Feedback

How It Works

The Healthy and Secure Relationships with/for the Emotionally Unavailable Person (Dismissive Avoidant Re-programming Course) is a self-paced online learning experience you can adapt to your lifestyle.. Complete it in one go, or watch a few modules in the morning before work, on your commute, or on your lunch break.


    Our members rave about Thais’ captivating and passionate teaching style. Be prepared for the Netflix effect – “just one more episode”!


    Choose between filling in the digital workbook or printing it to write manually. The powerful exercises in your workbook are designed to anchor your learnings and make the theory your reality. Take them in order, or pick the ones that call your attention the most.


    Congratulations, you made it! Can you already imagine the renewed sense of self-love, self-acceptance, and connection to yourself and others you feel?

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Healthy and Secure Relationships with/for the Emotionally Unavailable Person (Dismissive Avoidant Re-programming Course)

One-time Purchase



      On-Demand Course Videos
      Interactive Workbooks
      Certificate of Completion

This course can be the 1 thing that changes everything!

Congratulation! Since you’ve made it all the way here, I know one thing about you: you are dedicated to changing. You are a tenacious and brave person. And you will 100% make it. Let’s get this journey started - I believe in you!


When you up level your life through The Personal Development School, you’ll experience phenomenal things:

    • You master the art of creating relationships where you feel understood and accepted, and experience the fulfillment that comes from vulnerability.
    • You create supportive habits to start to think and behave like a secure person. With our All-Access Pass, you’ll also join our engaged community that holds you accountable.
    • You feel the self-acceptance that comes from realizing there’s nothing wrong with you  – and as a consequence, unlock the motivation to achieve your dreams!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Attachment theory states that a person's attachment style is based on their early childhood experiences with a primary caregiver. Attachment styles then set the tone for how we interact in our adult relationships including romantic relationships, friendships, personal relationships, working relationships, and family relationships. A dismissive avoidant adult attachment style is one of the four adult attachment styles within attachment theory – the other being anxious attachment style (anxious preoccupied), secure attachment style, and fearful (disorganized) avoidant attachment style. This particular style is an insecure attachment style, and one of two avoidant attachment styles. It develops when a child receives emotional neglect or inconsistent emotional support during their child development. Often, it shows in early adulthood, when our first serious relationships tend to form. It is possible for a dismissive avoidant person to transition from an insecure attachment style to having a more secure attachment style so that they can enter fulfilling relationships with emotional connection.

  • If you have dismissive avoidant attachment, you may seek emotional intimacy and closeness, only to pull away if your partner comes too close. You quickly feel uncomfortable and controlled. You can engage in inconsistent communication. As a dismissive avoidant, you can tend to develop a defense mechanism of running away instead of having a necessary discussion with your partner. This can lead you to get stuck in casual relationships with emotional distance built-in, your mental health suffering, while deep down you long for stable romantic partners and meaningful connections. Other signs of you having a dismissive avoidant attachment is that you tend to avoid emotional closeness, because of a perceived lack of attachment security. Dismissive avoidants need independence and autonomy within a relationship. Yet, you may be quick to react negatively and take constructive criticism personally. Just as fearful avoidant attachment, it may feel safer for you to run away from the relationship. Maybe you have gotten used to avoiding feeling your own emotions. Setting boundaries can come naturally with dismissive avoidant attachment, but asking for what you need emotionally can make you feel like a burden.

  • Attachment theory claims that many times, people with dismissive avoidant attachment style recall having had a safe and peaceful childhood. They are clueless as to why they experience relationship issues. The discord they experienced in childhood was subtle and consisted of their parents being unable to cater to the child’s emotional needs to some extent, despite their best intent. How dismissive avoidant attachment develops is by emotional volatility during the vital child development years: inconsistency in receiving affection and social support. This could have led to the child feeling that the parent had enough of their own problems – so the kid learned self-reliance and to suppress their emotions. It may have taken more severe forms, such as a parent with abusive behavior, or the kid being adopted or placed in foster care. In both cases, the child experienced neglect which forged the belief that intimate relationships aren’t safe, and that they would be abandoned. In adult relationships, this leads to the dismissive avoidant person constantly “waiting for the other shoe to drop”, never being able to fully relax. This course is designed to help avoidant adults see their behavior in a more positive light which supports their mental health.

  • If you identify as a dismissive avoidant, this course will enable you to come to a deeper understanding of the attachment pattern that has been running your life, and provide the necessary tools for changing your attachment style to a secure one. First and foremost, this course will help you understand the core wounds that cause you to avoid emotional vulnerability, intimacy and connection. You will learn the communication skills you need to create safe and supportive relationships while maintaining your autonomy and space. You will learn how to put language to your inner emotional state and express yourself when you are feeling anxious or trapped in your relationships. You will lay the foundation for turning an avoidant dismissive attachment style into secure attachment styles.

  • You will learn the real reasons why your partner with avoidant dismissive attachment style has attachment issues, along with effective strategies you can use to better communicate, be heard, and get your needs met to enjoy a healthy relationship with them. A dismissive avoidant partner willing to seek support and making a conscious effort to shift can develop high self-esteem, improved mental health, and emotional intelligence leading to a satisfying intimate relationship.