Expressing your Needs: Scripts for Effective Communication

Learn to communicate your needs to reach understanding and harmony in just 1 hour with these ready-to-use templates in this 5-star-rated course

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Designed to be valuable whether you're a beginner or a pro.

Does this sound familiar to you?

Do you love your partner – yet fight with them over the same issue over and over? Or maybe you’re single and want to learn how to express your interest in someone, set boundaries, and tell someone you’re not interested in a loving yet assertive way? 

Does it ever feel like you:

  • Expect your partner to read your mind, only to end up disappointed?
  • Are unseen and unheard by your partner, despite their best efforts? 
  • Struggle to communicate your boundaries in relationships, leaving you feeling resentful and drained?
  • Suppress your relationship concerns so as not to bother your partner, then get into conflicts anyhow?
  • Avoid expressing your need for alone time out of fear of hurting your partner?
  • Ghost someone instead of telling them you’re not interested to avoid the tough conversation?

If any of the above resonated, you’re not alone. Most of us have never learned how to communicate our needs effectively. You’re in the right place to reverse that now!

In this course, you can look forward to…

  • Cultivating the courage to communicate your needs and desires to your partner, so you can experience more harmony and understanding.
  • Learning how to communicate what you want and need with compassion and love, so you can reach the full potential of your romantic relationship. 
  • Getting the exact words to express your boundaries with your partner, family members, friends, and colleagues, so you can experience more fulfilling relationships. 
  • Validating your emotions and expressing them with grace, so you can create the intimacy and closeness you yearn for. 
  • Mastering expressing your need for solitude, so you can honor yourself and show up as your best self with your partner.
  • Knowing how to tell someone off in a loving way, so you can stay in integrity and give both of you closure to move on.

Here's A Sneak Peek Into What We'll Cover


    1. Expressing Your Needs: Scripts for Effective Communication Course Workbook

    2. Welcome & Itinerary

    3. What is Communication & Why it Matters?

    1. Love Languages & Communication Barriers

    1. Non-verbal Communication & Active Listening

    1. Scripts for Effective Communication for the Anxious Attachment

    2. Scripts for Effective Communication for the Dismissive Avoidant

    3. Scripts for Effective Communication for the Fearful Avoidant

    4. General Scripts for Effective Communication

    1. Scripts for Communication in the 6 Stages of a Relationship

    2. Course Feedback

How It Works

The Expressing your Needs: Scripts for Effective Communication course is 100% online and self-paced. Watch the whole course at once, or take a module whenever you have a moment: in the morning, at lunch break, or before bed.


    Thais’s captivating teaching style makes it easy to follow along and learn how to communicate your needs! The modules are short and results-focused so you can learn a lot in a short amount of time.


    Fill in the blanks in your workbook to get custom scripts for your unique situation, ready to use in conversations or over text.


    Congratulations! You have just taken an important step in efficiently expressing your needs – and as a result, experience more harmony and joy in all your relationships.

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Expressing your Needs: Scripts for Effective Communication

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This course can be the 1 thing that changes everything!

Congratulation! Since you’ve made it all the way here, I know one thing about you: you are dedicated to changing. You are a tenacious and brave person. And you will 100% make it. Let’s get this journey started - I believe in you!


When you up level your life through The Personal Development School, you’ll experience phenomenal things:

    • You learn to communicate your needs and boundaries in a calm and compassionate way – and as a result, see all your relationships improve.

    • You’ll learn transformative tools for your subconscious mind that really enhance your life quality instead of acting as a bandaid. 
    • You develop more self-acceptance and self-love and feel more grounded, joyful, and safe on the daily.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Expressing our needs is key in all interpersonal relationships. However, most of us have never learned how to do it properly. In this course, you'll not only learn the exact scripts for communicating your needs – but also how to convey them for the best results. There's a whole module on nonverbal communication and active listening that will help you make the message land. You'll learn to master different nonverbal communication types and sharpen your listening skills. You'll also learn the nonverbal cues to communicate effectively around your needs. Improving your listening skills will help you avoid conflict- and when it happens, de-escalate it and have the ability to respond without letting your emotions take over.

  • Nonverbal communication is communication that happens beyond spoken words. Research suggests that only 7% of communication is verbal – the rest is nonverbal. Nonverbal communication skills are thus essential to master to communicate effectively. The different nonverbal communication types involve: Facial expressions Eye contact Body language Tone of voice Physical movement Personal space And more. In the course, we'll cover each of these aspects on a deeper level. By mastering nonverbal communication, you can convey meaning much more efficiently. You become a better communicator. When you communicate nonverbally, you also avoid misunderstandings. You can easier reach mutual understanding even if your words aren't The same words can be received very differently depending on the nonverbal communication associated with them! For example, standing tall signals more confidence than hunching. Body language is something all of us use all the time and that we subconsciously decode to determine whether a person is trustworthy. Learning how to use your body language to your advantage can tremendously impact on how people perceive you and thus the opportunities you get in life. Part of nonverbal communication is affected by cultural background, social status, and upbringing. Many things in our daily life fall into nonverbal communication – for example, to shake hands.

  • Effective communicators know that the secret to becoming a better communicator is becoming a better listener. Active listening is a way of validating the person you're speaking with and making them feel seen and heard. Using your active listening skills helps you forge better relationships. It's a part of good communication skills, and thus one of the most important skills to master for better relationships. In short, active listening means that you give your partner your undivided attention and provide feedback. Avoid looking at your phone or taking telephone calls. Stand face to face with the person you're speaking with. There are a couple of active listening techniques you can use. One is to use an open body language. You can also nod occasionally, use affirmative sounds and small verbal comments like "uh-huh", and stay focused on the message your partner is trying to convey. Repeat what they just told you in your own words to provide feedback and show that you make a conscious effort to listen. People naturally enjoy when we engage in active listening, since it shows that we fully understand them. Active listening also involves reading nonverbal cues and deciphering what the other person is talking about beyond words. The importance of active listening in becoming effective communication can't be underestimated! Other advantages are that active listening techniques can help avoid conflict, improve the conversation partner's emotional state, and show respect and understanding.

  • Body language is important since it is something we all use all the time, and it speaks directly to the subconscious mind. Since verbal communication only constitutes 7% of the message when we exchange information in a conversation, it is key to develop the ability to use body language in your favor. Reading someone's body language starts the moment we first perceive them, before they have started speaking. Our body language is often instinctual. If we make a conscious effort to develop our body language, we will take our nonverbal communication to the next level. Some people include micro-expressions in body language. Micro-expressions are a form of nonverbal cues that often shows up as facial expressions with a very short duration – for example, frowning for just a fraction of a second to express dislike, or pupils dilating as a sign of attraction. It can be challenging to learn to control these nonverbal communication types as they are often more subconscious than for example eye contact, but it can really help you drive home certain points and contribute to increased understanding when speaking.

  • Yes, this course is designed to give you the tools to express your needs – both as a verbal message and through nonverbal signals. The results-oriented modules give you nonverbal communication strategies and active listening techniques that effective communicators use to get their message through more effectively. The nonverbal communication skills you'll develop in this course will help you in all life situations – in negotiations, speeches, and more. You'll learn a solid communication process that you can use for more than expressing your needs!

  • Good communication skills go way beyond the words we speak. The subconscious mind has the ability to speak in imagery and emotions, so nonverbal communication goes straight into the subconscious mind of the listener, thus bypassing the filter of the conscious mind. Nonverbal signals can convey messages more efficiently thanks to this "shortcut". If we align our spoken words with nonverbal communication, such as tone of voice and facial expressions, the message is delivered with its full potential. Nonverbal communication can more efficiently affect the feelings and emotional state of the listener.

  • We understand that signing up for a course is a time commitment. However, imagine the time and energy you'll save by learning to communicate effectively! This course gives you more than just the scripts to express your needs – you'll learn how to master nonverbal communication and hack nonverbal signals in your favor. When you master your body language, facial expressions, and eye contact, the message of your verbal communication will land so much better.

  • With the All-Access Pass, you get unlimited access to all our courses. Learn how to de-escalate conflict, set boundaries, create better relationships, and much more. On top of that, you'll get to join our weekly webinars and Q&As with Thais Gibson. You also get to participate in our weekly routines helping you to solidify your new, empowering habits. What many of our students love the most about the All-Access Pass is the supportive community you'll become a part of. Get support and understanding, make new friends, and feel the relief of not being alone on your journey. You can participate as little or as much as you want in the All-Access Pass. No matter how much you choose, it will give you the tools and support for profound transformations and positive shifts in all areas of your life!

  • Yes. You can cancel anytime, no questions asked.