Course curriculum

    1. Course Workbook

    2. Welcome & Itinerary

    3. Why We Need to Engage the Subconscious Mind to Achieve our Goals

    1. The C.A.L.M. Process: Clarity

    2. Workbook Exercise 1: C for Clarity

    3. Workbook Exercise 2 (Part 1): Clarity Self-Reflection Questions

    4. The C.A.L.M. Process: Alignment & Linguistically Relevant

    5. Workbook Step 2: Alignment

    6. Workbook Step 3: Linguistically Relevant

    7. The C.A.L.M. Process: Measurable

    8. Workbook Step 4: Measurable

    1. S.T.E.P.S. Process: Systemized & Timelined

    2. Workbook Step 5 & 6: Systemized & Timelined

    3. S.T.E.P.S. Process: Elastic, Programmable & Surveyed

    4. Workbook Step 7: Elastic

    5. Workbook Step 8: Programmable

    6. Workbook Step 9: Surveyed

    1. Achieving Self-Mastery in All Areas of Life

    2. Workbook Step 10: Official Output

    3. Course Feedback

Setting & Achieving Goals Using your Subconscious Mind thumbnail

About this course

  • $119.00
  • 20 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content