Course curriculum

    1. Course Workbook

    2. Welcome & Itinerary

    3. What is Trauma & the Hero's Journey

    4. What is Post-Traumatic Growth & its Components

    1. Reverse Engineering Post-Traumatic Growth

    2. The Nervous System & How to Witness Sensations

    1. The Journey Begins. PTG Steps 1 to 3

    2. Workbook Step 1: Somatic Work

    3. Workbook Step 2: Picking Up the Pieces by Undoing the Original Imprint (Painful Stories or Meaning)

    4. Workbook Step 3: Finding What was Missing/Wholeness in Other Forms

    1. The Journey Continues. PTG Steps 4 to 7

    2. Workbook Step 4: The Release

    3. Workbook Step 5: The Rebuild/Development

    4. Workbook Step 6: Benefit Finding

    5. Workbook Step 7: Cost Analysis

    1. Finishing the Journey PTG Steps 8 to 12

    2. Workbook Step 8: Awareness & Compassion/Humanization of Self

    3. Workbook Step 9: Acceptance of Self and the Experience

    4. Workbook Step 10: Letting Go of Anything Painful Still Left

    5. Workbook Step 11: Meeting Unmet Needs

    6. Course Feedback

Post-Traumatic Growth: A Hero's Journey thumbnail

About this course

  • $119.00
  • 21 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content