Course curriculum

    1. Meeting Link (All Weeks)

    2. Coaching Basics: Boundaries, Ethics & Must-Knows

    3. What is Integrated Attachment Theory?

    4. Attachment Style (Relationship) Cheat Sheet

    5. Attachment Style Characteristics Short Version (Cheatsheet)

    6. Attachment Style Characteristics in the Workplace

    7. Resource Sheet: Goal & Intention Setting

    8. IAT Week One Slides

    1. Discovery & Flow of Sessions

    2. Become An Expert at Identifying Core Wounds

    3. Client Discovery Questionnaire

    4. IAT Client Intake Form

    5. IAT Release Form

    6. Example of Personalized Program

    7. Personalized Program Worksheet Master Key

    8. How to Find A Core Belief

    9. IAT Slides Week 2

    1. The Inner Workings of the Subconscious Mind & Neuroplasticity

    2. How to Find Core Wounds & Create Rapid Emotional Relief

    3. IAT List of Core Wounds (AKA Core Beliefs)

    4. Major Emotions and Their Opposites

    5. How to Find a Core Belief

    6. Transforming Limiting Beliefs Worksheet

    7. IAT Week 3 Slides

    1. Reprogramming Core Wounds & Major Subconscious Tools (With Live Examples)

    2. Next 3 Major Subconscious Breakthrough Tools (BTEA, Cost-Benefit Analysis & Action Reprogramming)

    3. Resource: Determining Your Client's Personal BTEA Equation

    4. Subconscious Belief Reprogramming (Sometimes Referred to As Autosuggestion)

    5. Seven Steps: Cost-Benefit Analysis Reprogramming

    6. Subconscious Exposure Re-Programming (AKA Action Reprogramming)

    7. IAT Week Four Slides

    1. Review & Combining Tools for Bigger Breakthroughs

    2. More Connected Relationships: Learn Your Clients’ Needs

    3. Discovering Your Client’s Top Personality Needs

    4. Strategies to Meet Your Own Personality Needs (Suggestions & Ideas)

    5. Meeting Your Own Needs: Processes 1 & 2

    6. Basic Human Needs and Subconscious Personality Needs

    7. IAT Week 5 Slides

    1. Powerful Relationships: Assisting Clients in Communicating Needs

    2. Creating Results: Emotional Processing for Regulation

    3. Integrated Attachment Theory List of Tertiary Needs

    4. Healthy Habits & Conscious Strategies for Tertiary Needs (For Self & Especially to Communicate to Others)

    5. Emotional Processing Tool

    6. Expressing Your Own Needs Pointers

    7. Communication Sheet

    8. Reprogramming to Receive Your Needs

    9. IAT Week 6 Slides

About this course

  • $4,999.00
  • 69 lessons
  • 41.5 hours of video content