Course curriculum

    1. Strengthening Self-Identity

    2. Soothing Anxious Activating Strategies & Neediness

    3. Calm Anxiety

    4. Boundary Identification Process - Learning Your Boundaries

    5. Reprogramming for Greater Self-Confidence

    6. How to Self-Soothe

    7. "I am Abandoned" Core Wound

    1. Processing Your Anger

    2. Speaking Up Before Getting Angry & Understanding Your Anger

    3. Rebuilding Trust with Self and Others

    4. Visualizing Speaking Up (For Reprogramming Purposes)

    5. How to Self Soothe

    6. Boundary Identification Process - Learning Your Boundaries

    7. Overcoming Deactivation

    8. "I Am Bad" Core Wound

    9. "I Am Unworthy" Core Wound

    1. Opening Up - Visualization

    2. Ending Numbness and Reducing Emotional Repression

    3. Equilibrating Emotions via Somatic Sensations

    4. Learning to Feel Your Emotions Again

    5. Reprogramming Your Fears About Vulnerability

    6. Overcoming Deactivation

    7. "I Am Not Enough" Core Wound

    8. "I Am Unsafe" Core Wound

Guided Processes For Each Attachment Style thumbnail

About this course

  • $119.00
  • 24 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content