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Deconstructing and Overcoming Addictive Behaviours: End the War with Yourself

This course is an excellent course for anyone struggling with addictive patterns of behavior. We look at addictive patterns including love addiction, people-pleasing, codependency, food addiction, alcohol or substance challenges, video games...


  1. What Are Addictive and Compulsive Behaviors?
  2. Neurochemistry of Addiction
  3. The Issue Isn’t the Real Issue (It’s the Symptom)
  4. Subconscious Pain Points
  5. 9 Steps to Transform Your Patterns
  6. Principles of Post-Traumatic Growth (Process)
  7. Healthy Habits to Maintain New Lifestyle
    1. Course Workbook

    2. Welcome & Introduction

    3. What are Addictive Behaviors?

    1. Where Your Subconscious Pain Originates

    1. The Neurochemistry of Addiction

    1. The Issue Isn't the Issue

    2. What Are You Believing?

    1. The 9 Steps to Break Through Addictive Patterns

    2. How to Break Through Addictive Patterns: Steps 4-5

    3. How to Break Through Addictive Patterns: Step 6

    4. How to Break Through Addictive Patterns: 7-9

    1. The Principles of Post-Traumatic Growth

Deconstructing and Overcoming Addictive Behaviours: End the War with Yourself thumbnail

About this course

  • $119.00
  • 14 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

Deconstructing and Overcoming Addictive Behaviours

End the War with Yourself

This course is an excellent course for anyone struggling with addictive patterns of behavior. We look at addictive patterns including love addiction, people-pleasing, codependency, food addiction, alcohol or substance challenges, video games, pornography and more.

This course will help you to identify the true roots of the problem – the underlying pain you’re experiencing and trying to avoid via your coping mechanism. We will use subconscious reprogramming tools and 9 steps to deeper awareness that will allow you to transform your behaviors.

* Recommended for all attachment styles.