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Attachment Styles & Sex

In this course, we'll learn about the importance of sex in a relationship, why sexual desire might diminish, the frequency of sex in the average couple, as well as the traits and challenges of each attachment style in regards to sex.

Course curriculum

    1. Workbook

    2. Welcome & Itinerary

    1. What is our relationship to sex?

    2. Common Causes for Lack of Sexual Desire & Average Frequency Couples Have Sex

    1. The Anxious Preoccupied’s Relationship to Sex

    2. Healing the Anxious Preoccupied Relationship to Sex

    1. The Dismissive Avoidant’s Relationship to Sex

    2. Healing the Dismissive Avoidant Relationship to Sex

    1. The Fearful Avoidant’s Relationship to Sex

    2. Healing the Fearful Avoidant Relationship to Sex

    1. The Securely Attached Relationship to Sex

Attachment Styles & Sex thumbnail

About this course

  • $119.00
  • 11 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content